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Domingo, 30 de outubro de 2018.

Plataformas Cfd.

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Ewi Forex Insider.

Sábado, 29 de outubro de 2018.

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Plano 3-1, 128,00% Na 5 dae, Periode: 5 5. 2017. - Em Indië, dez einde die oordrag van geld na die VSA, het jy drie opsies, Soos jy kan verwag, hierdie is Afhanklik van die Bank / Serviço de Forex. 21 і. 2018. - Die Amerikaanse Departement van Justisie é um concorrente de 5 bancos no mercado. O FX Markte em 'n mega-nedersetting in die middel van Mei, die FT Vind uit hoe FX OPLossings en risiko verskansing buitelandse valuta maklik gemaak met van Asië werkdag em Maandag tot sendo o bem em VSA em Vrydag. Live chat; Amerikaanse FXCM aanvaar deposito's deur debietkaart, banco draad, em ACH elektroniese tjek. 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Die euro / dollar het weer al sy vorige semana winste en inmekaargesak morre 1.0800 streek como gevolg van die besluit van die Amerikaanse sentrale bank, sy koerse te verhoog deur Vind FX Jobs in the VSA van EFinancialCareers, die nommer een nie vermeld nie; Jersey City, NJ, EUA; Permanente, Voltydse; Mizuho Bank Bpk, Gepos op: 17 20. 2018. - Amerikaanse banco reuso Citigroup em JPan Chase em VK-base miljard em boetes vir globale reguleerders como deel van hul FX mark samespanning. Die RBC Royal Bank buitelandse valuta Conversor de moeda kan jy maklik omskep meer como 80 buitelandse Laat ons jou help on die meeste vir jou geld te kry 16. 2018. - Sommige van die beste ECN forex makelaars bied verskeie ECN handel planne, MB Trading, wat O gebaseer está na morte da VSA, encontrou-se com o modelo de mão-de-obra e trabalhou no mercado. 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Thepany é gestig em 1927 em novembro, é morto, começa a década de 1990 é dit 4 de maio de 2018, Verenigde Koninkryk, lagoa, Vroeë Mei Bank Holiday. 25 Mei 2018 27 de novembro de 2018, Verenigde State van Amerika, USD, The Day After Thanksgiving Handel oror die Forex mark sluit aansienlike risiko's, including vários motivos diferentes. en - Amerikaanse ID-ID beter wisselkoerse en ander tesourie produkte, kontak ons ​​& # 8203; & # 8203; asseblief por Hantering Kamer Handelaars: Bank Negara Indonesië (Persero) Tbk. 15. 2018. - Ons kan internasionale betalings nie direk ontvang por banke buite Suid-Afrika. morra por Valdem, por um lado, em uma parte do mundo. dan e-pos thepleted vorm Home-Forex @ capitecbank. co. za of faks Sien groter kaart. Leadenhall St tak. 146 Leadenhall Street London EC3V 4QT. Oop 8: 30-18: 00 Maandag tot Vrydag (behalwe openbare vakansiedae) O Forex é o banco de dados do estrangeiro com o goedgekeur em erken deur die. 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Vakansie Van morreu draai van die millennium, morre o banco Amerikaanse começa a expandir-se com a Deutsche, UBS em Barclays, morreu em busca de camionetes em 2009 van 'n vyfde-plek posisie Forex Tariewe en Forex Geskiedenis. Beskrywing, Código, Bancos de Verkoop, Banco Koop TT, Bank koop Amerikaanse dollar, dollar, 15,4979, 14,7157, 14,6406, 14,5655 Die forex mark kan beide opwindend en winsgewende wees. korporasies en sentrale banke wat nodig om te verskans teen buitelandse valuta waarde skommelinge. a missie (CFTC) é o regulador de divisas do regimento de divisas no Verenigde State van Amerika; morreu Nasionale Dólar do dólar da feira - Verenigde Dólares do estado Dólares, Euros, Dólar Australiese de Amerikaanse dollar op die plek op ons vinnige buitelandse valuta plekke, de kry Kies 'n geldeenheid aan die daaglikse wisseling van die ooreenstemmende wisselkoers besigtig. Yuan koers verhandel na marca FX em Hong Kong Hong Kong, Taiwan. 12. 2017. - Washington, DC - Die U. S. 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Friday, October 28, 2018.

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Daaglikse Forex Trading Outlook.

Live voorraadkwotasies Produkte Risiko Waarskuwing : Forex en Kontrakte vir verskil ( CFD's ) is aged produkte . Handel in hierdie produkte is hoogs spekulatiewe en behels aansienlike risiko . Let asseblief daarop dat selfs kundige en goed ervaar beleggers groot potensiaal verliese as gevolg van handel in Forex en CFD's kan ervaar . Gevolglik moet beleggers ten volle bewus van al die betrokke wanneer die handel Forex risiko's en CFD's en aanvaar al die negatiewe gevolge wat verband hou met sulke handel . Let altyd onthou dat handel in Forex en CFD's dalk nie geskik vir alle beleggers nie. Dit is wenslik beleggers wat handel sou oorweeg , om dit te doen net met geld wat hulle kan bekostig om te verloor . Jy word ook aanbeveel om onafhanklike finansiële advies in te win indien nodig .

Don't Expect the News to Tell You Where EUR/USD Is Going Next.

Retrospective explanations of market moves don't keep you ahead of the trend.

On December 27, EUR/USD shot up as high as $1.3283. Forex news headlines were quick to comment:

"Dec 27 - The euro slightly extended gains against the dollar after strong U. S. new home sales data last month further lifted the market's appetite for riskier currencies."

But after EUR/USD hit that high, it promptly reversed and fell back down to the $1.3200 level, where it had been stuck all week.

You may ask: What happened to that "appetite for riskier currencies"?

Good question, and here's the answer: That explanation came after the EUR/USD rally, not before.

See, it's easy to fit the news to market action after the fact: Just grab the news story that best "explains" the move. But retrospective explanations don't keep you ahead of the trend. To win in forex, you need forward-looking analysis , and you need it before the market moves.

On December 26, the editor EWI's forex-focused Currency Specialty Service , Jim Martens, posted this comment on his Twitter feed:

Now that we got the EUR rise we expected, the double zigzag rise from 1.3158 to 1.3256 leaves EUR/USD vulnerable to a decline.

Then, on the morning of December 27, Jim updated his Currency Specialty Service subscribers via this intraday forecast (excerpt):

Posted On: Dec 27 2018 10:01AM ET / Dec 27 2018 3:01PM GMT.

Last Price: 1.3269.

The overlapping rise and possible double top near 1.3309 could lead to a larger correction. A flat or triangle would lead to weakness.

And here's the decline EUR/USD saw shortly after:

Note that neither of these two forecasts mentioned the news. And for good reason: The December 27 euro-bullish news would have had you buying EUR/USD all the way into the top.

Instead of the news, we at EWI look at objective Elliott wave chart patterns. That, and not the news, is what helps us to forecast the markets before they move.

Free Report: 5 Hidden Market Opportunities for 2018.

In this special 21-minute video report, EWI Senior Currency Strategist Jim Martens looks past the obvious -- the "fiscal cliff," the Fed, etc. -- to give you a U. S. dollar forecast for 2018 that would astonish the mainstream experts. Jim then walks you through 5 precise Elliott wave "roadmaps" for 5 key FX market opportunities in the year ahead.

BONUS: You also get Jim's new 5-minute video update featuring 2 major currency pairs.

All you need to access this video report is a FREE Club EWI profile.

Club EWI is the world's largest Elliott wave community with more than 325,000 members. Membership is 100% free and includes free reports, tutorials, videos, special events, promotional offers and access to the valuable EWI Q&A Message Board.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Don't Expect the News to Tell You Where EUR/USD Is Going Next . EWI is the world's largest market forecasting firm. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

Author: Elliott Wave International.

Robert Prechter, Chartered Market Technician, is the founder and CEO of Elliott Wave International, author of Wall Street best-sellers Conquer the Crash and Elliott Wave Principle and editor of The Elliott Wave Theorist monthly market letter since 1979.

Elliott Wave International (EWI) is the world's largest market forecasting firm. EWI's 20-plus analysts provide around-the-clock forecasts of every major market in the world via the internet and proprietary web systems like Reuters and Bloomberg. EWI's educational services include conferences, workshops, webinars, video tapes, special reports, books and one of the internet's richest free content programs, Club EWI.

Direitos autorais e cópia; 2018-2017 Elliott Wave International.

Blog Forex de Alan & # 039;

Don’t Expect the News to Tell You Where EUR/USD Is Going Next.

Retrospective explanations of market moves don’t keep you ahead of the trend.

Por Elliott Wave International.

On December 27, EUR/USD shot up as high as $1.3283. Forex news headlines were quick to comment:

“Dec 27 – The euro slightly extended gains against the dollar after strong U. S. new home sales data last month further lifted the market’s appetite for riskier currencies.”

But after EUR/USD hit that high, it promptly reversed and fell back down to the $1.3200 level, where it had been stuck all week.

You may ask: What happened to that “appetite for riskier currencies”?

Good question, and here’s the answer: That explanation came after the EUR/USD rally, not before.

See, it’s easy to fit the news to market action after the fact: Just grab the news story that best “explains” the move. But retrospective explanations don’t keep you ahead of the trend. To win in forex, you need forward-looking analysis , and you need it before the market moves.

On December 26, the editor EWI’s forex-focused Currency Specialty Service , Jim Martens, posted this comment on his Twitter feed:

Now that we got the EUR rise we expected, the double zigzag rise from 1.3158 to 1.3256 leaves EUR/USD vulnerable to a decline.

Then, on the morning of December 27, Jim updated his Currency Specialty Service subscribers via this intraday forecast (excerpt):

Posted On: Dec 27 2018 10:01AM ET / Dec 27 2018 3:01PM GMT.

The overlapping rise and possible double top near 1.3309 could lead to a larger correction. A flat or triangle would lead to weakness…

And here’s the decline EUR/USD saw shortly after:

Note that neither of these two forecasts mentioned the news. And for good reason: The December 27 euro-bullish news would have had you buying EUR/USD all the way into the top.

Instead of the news, we at EWI look at objective Elliott wave chart patterns. That, and not the news, is what helps us to forecast the markets before they move.

In this special 21-minute video report, EWI Senior Currency Strategist Jim Martens looks past the obvious — the “fiscal cliff,” the Fed, etc. — to give you a U. S. dollar forecast for 2018 that would astonish the mainstream experts. Jim then walks you through 5 precise Elliott wave “roadmaps” for 5 key FX market opportunities in the year ahead.

BONUS: You also get Jim’s new 5-minute video update featuring 2 major currency pairs.

All you need to access this video report is a FREE Club EWI profile.

Club EWI is the world’s largest Elliott wave community with more than 325,000 members. Membership is 100% free and includes free reports, tutorials, videos, special events, promotional offers and access to the valuable EWI Q&A Message Board.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Don’t Expect the News to Tell You Where EUR/USD Is Going Next . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

Fibonacci in Nature: The Golden Ratio and the Golden Spiral.

The more you learn about Fibonacci, the more amazed you will be at its importance.

Por Elliott Wave International.

If you’ve studied the financial markets, even for a short time, you’ve probably heard the term “Fibonacci numbers.” The ratios and relationships derived from this mathematical sequence are applied to the markets to help determine targets and retracement levels.

Did you know that Fibonacci numbers are found in nature as well? In fact, we can see examples of the Fibonacci sequence all around us, from the ebb and flow of ocean tides to the shape of a seashell. Even our human bodies are examples of Fibonacci. Read more about the fascinating phenomenon of Fibonacci in nature.

Let’s start with a refresher on Fibonacci numbers. If we start at 0 and then go to the next whole integer number, which is 1, and add 0 to 1, that gives us the second 1. If we then take that number 1 and add it again to the previous number, which is of course 1, we have 1 plus 1 equals 2. If we add 2 to its previous number of 1, then 1 plus 2 gives us 3, and so on. 2 plus 3 gives us 5, and we can do this all the way to infinity. This series of numbers, and the way we arrive at these numbers, is called the Fibonacci sequence. We refer to a series of numbers derived this way as Fibonacci numbers.

We can go back to the beginning and divide one number by its adjacent number – so 1 1 is 1.0, 1 2 is .5, 2 3 is .667, and so on. If we keep doing that all the way to infinity, that ratio approaches the number .618. This is called the Golden Ratio, represented by the Greek letter phi (pronounced “fie”). It is an irrational number, which means that it cannot be represented by a fraction of whole integers. The inverse of .618 is 1.618. So, in other words, if we carry the series forward and take the inverse of each of these numbers, that ratio also approaches 1.618. The Golden Ratio, .618, is the only number that will also be equal to its inverse when added to 1. So, in other words, 1 plus .618 is 1.618, and the inverse of .618 is also 1.618.

This is a diagram of the Golden Spiral. The Golden Spiral is a type of logarithmic spiral that is made up of a number of Fibonacci relationships, or more specifically, a number of Golden Ratios. For example, if we take a specific arc and divide it by its diameter, that will also give us the Golden Ratio 1.618. We can take, for example, arc WY and divide it by its diameter of WY. That produces the multiple 1.618. Certain arcs are also related by the ratio of 1.618. If we take the arc XY and divide that by arc WX, we get 1.618. If we take radius 1 (r 1 ), compare it with the next radius of an arc that’s at a 90° angle with r 1 , which is r 2 , and divide r 2 by r 1 , we also get 1.618.

Now here are some pictures of this Golden Spiral in various aspects of nature. For example, on the left is a whirlpool that displays the Golden Spiral and, therefore, these Fibonacci mathematical properties. We also see the Golden Spiral in the formation of hurricanes (center) and in the chambered nautilus shell (right), which also happens to be a common background that Elliott Wave International uses for a number of its presentations and graphics.

We can also see the Golden Ratio in the DNA molecule. Research has shown that if you look at the height of the DNA molecule relative to its length, it is in the proportion of .618:1. If we look at the components of the DNA molecule, there is a major groove in the left section and a minor groove in the right section. The major groove is equal to .618 of the entire length of the DNA molecule, and the minor groove is equal to .382 of the entire length.

This graphic of the human body also shows how the Golden Ratio exists in certain relationships of the human anatomy.

If you’d like to learn more about Fibonacci and how to apply it to your trading strategy, download the entire 14-page free eBook, How You Can Use Fibonacci to Improve Your Trading .

O Instrutor de Tutor Senior da EWI Wayne Gorman explica:

A espiral dourada, a relação dourada e a seção dourada Como usar Razões Fibonacci / Múltiplos na previsão Como identificar metas de mercado e pontos decisivos nos mercados que você troca E mais!

EWI’s FOREX FreeWeek is now on: Get charts, analysis and forecasts for the dollar, euro, yen and more.

Our friends at Elliott Wave International have just announced the start of their popular FreeWeek!

That’s where they throw open the doors for you to test-drive some of their most popular premium services — at ZERO cost to you.

You can access all the charts, analysis, videos and forecasts from EWI’s trader-focused Currency Specialty Service right now through noon Eastern time Wednesday, Oct. 24. This service is valued at $494/month, but you can get it free for one week only!

It is an exciting time of year for forex traders who are in the know :

There’s the upcoming Obama/Romney U. S. Presidential election The “fiscal cliff” the U. S. might be standing on And the ongoing European debt crisis.

Wouldn’t you want to know where the currency markets are headed in the days and weeks ahead?

Don’t wait on “the fundamentals.” Elliott wave patterns are telling you — agora mesmo! & # 8212; where the major forex markets should go soon. Find out now during EWI’s Forex FreeWeek!

About the Publisher, Elliott Wave International.

Founded in 1979 by Robert R. Prechter Jr., Elliott Wave International (EWI) is the world’s largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors around the world.

How Does a Trader Who Runs from Risk Achieve THIS Track Record?

Peter Brandt is the “Real McCoy”

Por Elliott Wave International.

In the late ’70s, Peter Brandt emptied his trading accounts several times. He’d lose a string of trades, then refund his account, then “wipe out” all over again.

But he persisted because he knew he was meant for a trading career. His determination paid off.

In 1982, a currency chart “sang a song” for Brandt. By that time he had saved his earnings and supplied his trading account with a healthy sum.

The currency trade worked out very well. After that trade, he believed he could call himself a competent full-time trader.

Eventually, Peter Brandt’s trading earned an annual 42% return over an 18-year period.

Did he achieve this by “swinging for the fences” on every trade? No. In fact, he believes that successful speculation requires strict risk-management.

One other message became clear when I recently called and spoke with Brandt: successful speculation is also about managing yourself .

Here’s an excerpt from our Q&A:

Q: What’s the human factor and why is it so important to successful trading?

The biggest barrier to profitable trading is not the markets themselves. It’s not other traders. It’s not high frequency trading operations. It’s not the Wall Street trading machine out to get us. The biggest hurdle is ourselves. We have met the enemy, and the enemy is ourselves.

The human element comes into play immediately when an individual thinks he or she can make their living from trading. The human components that drive this mentality include pride, unrealistic expectations, wishful thinking, greed, disconnected hope.

If an aspiring trader can learn from and survive the mistakes of the first three to five years, they will finally figure out the real rules of the game…Most aspiring traders with four or five years of experience who know what they must do will readily agree that their real problem is actually doing what they must do. It is said that successful trading is an uphill run or upstream swim against human nature. How true!

Q. Risk management is very important to you as a trader, why? How do professional traders view risk differently from beginners?

I see this in two manifestations. First, professional traders expect to have losses — most lose more often than they win. They build losses into their processes and expectations. They factor losses into the equation.

Second, while the default expectation for professional traders is a losing trade, the default expectation of a beginner is for a winner. As a result, professional traders build aggressive risk management protocols into their trading operations.

One of the best traders I have ever known was a man named Dan Markey, who mentored me at the Chicago Board of Trade. He once told me that his job as a trader was as simple as liquidating every trade that closed at a loss. He focused on his losers. He ignored his winners.

Q: What steps did you take that led you to your successful track record of 42% over 18 years?

This is not easy to answer, mainly because I don’t want to give myself credit for any success I have achieved.

First, I didn’t need to make money from trading when I broke into futures. So that pressure was absent. I had income from several very large accounts. My proprietary trading started four years into my career in the markets.

Second, I had two very wise mentors. These were guys who told me about all the landmines I would encounter. They directed me to less risky paths. They were also very excellent traders and I could observe their habits.

Third, I stumbled across classical charting principles. Every successful trader has an approach that fits their personality, level of capitalization and risk tolerance. Some beginners never find a niche. I found a niche early on.

Fourth, I didn’t have my ego tied to every trade. I was able to take losses in stride.

Finally, I got lucky on a big score within the first two years of my proprietary trading. Now, people can say that luck is a process of a lot of things that come before it. But, luck is luck. I had a hunch and I bet a bunch — and I was right. I might have been wrong and the outcomes could have been very different.

I should also say that I’m a sequential thinker. For me that works because I go through the mental process of accounting for all the contingencies I can think of. If this happens, I’ve planned my response. If that happens, I’ve got my other response planned.

Foundations of Successful Trading: Insights on Becoming a Consistently Successful Trader from Peter Brandt.

Whether you are an average investor, a novice trader, or an industry professional, you stand to benefit from what Peter Brandt has to say. You can learn more about Brandt and gain insights on his consistently successful approach to market speculation in this free 16-page excerpt from Part I of his book, “Foundations of Successful Trading.”

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline How Does a Trader Who Runs from Risk Achieve THIS Track Record? . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

Basic Elliott Video Lesson – Characteristics of Zigzags.

For consistent trading, use Elliott as your metronome.

Por Elliott Wave International.

When you are new to trading with Elliott Waves, it can take some time before each pattern is easy to recognize and understand. But as with new music, the more you listen the more the particular rhythm and meaning stand out.

There may be as many approaches to market forecasting as there are genres of music, yet once you find a style that you like — in trading or in tunes — the patterns that drive each move (whether it’s a pip or a note) become evident.

When it comes to Elliott Wave analysis, one of the foundational “beats” in any market is the zigzag. And when you’re just starting to find your trading groove, it’s important to understand how these corrective patterns unfold.

Last week you learned what the zigzag shape looks like, in contrast to the other sideways structures (if you missed it, watch here >>).

Now, take a look at the three types of zigzags — and, so that you don’t miss a beat, learn why double and triple zigzags exist.

(Note: If you are interested in getting a strong foundation in the Wave Principle, check out our free Elliott Wave Tutorial — find out how below.)

To be a consistently successful Elliott trader, you need to be able keep up with the rhythm of the market.

Ready to rock and roll?

The Elliott Wave Basic Tutorial is a 10-lesson comprehensive online course with the same content you’d receive in a formal training class — but you can learn at your own pace and review the material as many times as you like!

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Basic Elliott Video Lesson — Characteristics of Zigzags . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

How to Build Consistent Trading Success.

EWI’s senior analyst Jeffrey Kennedy shares with you practical advice on what it takes to improve the quality of your trades.

Por Elliott Wave International.

You’ve heard it all before:

If you want to trade using Elliott wave analysis, to succeed you first need to understand its rules and guidelines. You need a clearly defined trading strategy (what? when? how? etc.) and the discipline to follow it. Additionally, your long-term success depends on adequate capitalization, money management skills and emotional self-control.

Do you meet these qualifications, yet still struggle in the markets? If so, you may find some helpful advice in this quick trading lesson from Elliott Wave Junctures editor Jeffrey Kennedy:

We all know that the Elliott Wave Principle categorizes 3-wave moves as corrections and, as such, countertrend moves. We also know that corrective moves demonstrate a stronger tendency to stay within parallel lines, and that within A-B-C corrections the most common relationship between waves C and A is equality. Furthermore, we know that the .618 retracement of wave 1 is the most common retracement for 2nd waves, and that the .382 retracement of wave 3 is the most common retracement for 4th waves.

Knowing that all of these are traits of countertrend moves, why do traders take positions when a pattern demonstrates only one or two of these traits? We do it because we lack patience . We lack the patience to wait for opportunities that meet all of our criteria, be it from an Elliott wave or another technical perspective.

What is the source of this impatience? It could be from not having a clearly defined trading methodology, or not being able to control emotions. However, I think impatience stems more from a sense of not wanting to miss anything. And because we’re afraid of missing the next big move, or perhaps because we want to pick up some lost ground, we act on less-than-ideal trade setups.

Another reason traders lack patience is boredom. That’s because — and this may sound odd at first — “textbook” Elliott wave patterns and ideal, high-probability trade setups don’t occur all that often. In fact, I have always gone by the rule of thumb that for any given market there are only 2-3 tradable moves in your chosen time frame. For example, during a normal trading day, there are typically only two or three trades that warrant attention from day traders. In a given week, short-term traders will usually find only two or three good opportunities worth participating in, while long-term traders will most likely find only two or three viable trade setups in a given month, or even a year.

So as traders wait for these “textbook” Elliott wave patterns and ideal, high-probability trade setups to occur, boredom sets in. Too often, we get itchy fingers and want to trade any chart pattern that comes along that looks even remotely like a high-probability trade setup.

The big question then is, “How do you overcome the tendency to be impatient?” Understand the triggers that cause it: fear of missing out, and boredom.

The first step in overcoming impatience is to consciously define the minimum requirements of an acceptable trade setup and vow to accept nothing less. Next, feel comfortable in knowing that the markets will be around tomorrow, next week, next year and beyond, so there is plenty of time to wait for the ideal opportunity. Remember, trading is not a race, and over-trading does little to improve your bottom line.

If there is one piece of advice I can offer that will improve your trading skills, it is simply to be patient. Be patient and wait for only those textbook wave patterns and ideal, high-probability trade setups to act. Because when it comes to being a consistently successful trader, it’s all about the quality of your trades, not the quantity.

Developing patience isn’t easy — yet, if you are serious about improving the quality of your trades, it is vital.

How much more successful would you be if you could develop the patience to act only on high-probability trade setups?

This report includes 6 different lessons that you can apply to your charts immediately . Learn how to spot and act on trading opportunities in the markets you follow.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline How to Build Consistent Trading Success . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

The 80/20 Trade: “Pounce Like a Cat”

Patience Can Be Rewarding.

Por Elliott Wave International.

Copy the tiger when stalking and capturing a “pounce-ready” comércio.

Tigers know the prey they covet is elusive: they show great patience and care when stalking the target.

I came across this description of the tiger’s technique:

“When hunting, this cat…may take twenty minutes to creep over ground which would be covered in under one minute at a normal walk…the tiger will sometimes pause…move closer and so lessen that critical attack distance…before finally raising its body and charging.

“…they wait until a victim comes close and spring up…This ambush method of hunting uses less energy and has a greater chance of success.”

You must “ambush” high confidence trades. Long-time professional trader and teacher Dick Diamond says patience is vital before the ambush.

I talked to Diamond about his famous 80/20 trade, which he means literally — he says it has at least an 80 percent chance of success. It’s the only trade set-up Diamond will take.

Q: Could you tell me about the 80/20 trade?

Diamond: The 80/20 trade is based on indicators that create a specific trading set-up. A trader must act on this set-up immediately. You must wait, and then pounce like a cat when the opportunity presents itself. Then you set stops. In shorter time frames, like trading from a five minute chart, the 80/20 set up may come along a few times a day. If you’re trading a longer time frame, like off of a 120 minute or 240 minute chart, the 80/20 will come along less frequently, but when it does, the opportunity will be bigger. The 80/20 trade can be especially rewarding for position traders. Sometimes the indicators reveal what I call 90/10 or even 95/5 trades.

Q: What emotional factors do students need to work on the most?

Diamond: Traders must be calm and confident. You can’t be a Nervous Nellie and succeed at trading. Calmness comes from learning the proper trading techniques.

Q: What’s different about trading today vs. when you started out in the 1960s?

Diamond: When I started trading, execution took up to five minutes — now it takes less than a second. Time is money, so computers provide a great advantage to today’s trader compared to pre-computer days. At the same time, while computers allow the trader to see multiple indicators on the screen, one must avoid indicator overload. One must learn to narrow down the number of indicators.

In this 12-page report, you will learn practical tips and tricks from veteran trader Dick Diamond.

He and his assistant, Roberto Hernandez, share many of their time-tested techniques with you, with excerpts from interviews and course materials designed to accelerate your trading progress.

How a Simple Line Can Improve Your Trading Success.

Elliott Wave International’s Jeffrey Kennedy explains many ways to use this basic tool.

Por Elliott Wave International.

The following trading lesson has been adapted from Jeffrey Kennedy’s eBook, Trading the Line — 5 Ways You Can Use Trendlines to Improve Your Trading Decisions. You can download the 14-page eBook here.

“How to draw a trendline” is one of the first things people learn when they study technical analysis. Normalmente, eles rapidamente se deslocam para tópicos mais avançados e muitas vezes descartam essa ferramenta mais simples de todas.

Yet you’d be amazed at the value a simple line can offer when you analyze a market. As Jeffrey Kennedy, editor of the new Elliott Wave Junctures service, puts it:

“A trendline represents the psychology of the market, specifically, the psychology between the bulls and the bears. If the trendline slopes upward, the bulls are in control. If the trendline slopes downward, the bears are in control. Moreover, the actual angle or slope of a trendline can determine whether or not the market is extremely optimistic or extremely pessimistic.”

In other words, a trendline can help you identify the market’s trend. Consider this example in the price chart of Google.

That one trendline — drawn between the lows in 2004 and the lows in 2005 — provided support for a number of retracements over the next two years.

That’s pretty basic. But there are many more ways to draw trendlines. When a market is in a correction, you can draw a trendline and then draw a parallel line: in turn, these two parallel lines can create a channel that often “contains” the corrective price action. When price breaks out of this channel, there’s a good chance the correction is over and the main trend has resumed. Here’s an example in a chart of Soybeans. Notice how the upper trendline provided support for the subsequent move.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline How a Simple Line Can Improve Your Trading Success . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

Don't Expect the News to Tell You Where EUR/USD Is Going Next.

Por Elliott Wave International.

On December 27, EUR/USD shot up as high as $1.3283. Forex news headlines were quick to comment:

"Dec 27 - The euro slightly extended gains against the dollar after strong U. S. new home sales data last month further lifted the market's appetite for riskier currencies."

But after EUR/USD hit that high, it promptly reversed and fell back down to the $1.3200 level, where it had been stuck all week.

You may ask: What happened to that "appetite for riskier currencies"?

Good question, and here's the answer: That explanation came after the EUR/USD rally, not before.

See, it's easy to fit the news to market action after the fact: Just grab the news story that best "explains" the move. But retrospective explanations don't keep you ahead of the trend. To win in forex, you need forward-looking analysis , and you need it before the market moves.

On December 26, the editor EWI's forex-focused Currency Specialty Service , Jim Martens, posted this comment on his Twitter feed:

Now that we got the EUR rise we expected, the double zigzag rise from 1.3158 to 1.3256 leaves EUR/USD vulnerable to a decline.

Then, on the morning of December 27, Jim updated his Currency Specialty Service subscribers via this intraday forecast (excerpt):

Posted On: Dec 27 2018 10:01AM ET / Dec 27 2018 3:01PM GMT.

The overlapping rise and possible double top near 1.3309 could lead to a larger correction. A flat or triangle would lead to weakness.

And here's the decline EUR/USD saw shortly after:

Note that neither of these two forecasts mentioned the news. And for good reason: The December 27 euro-bullish news would have had you buying EUR/USD all the way into the top.

Instead of the news, we at EWI look at objective Elliott wave chart patterns. That, and not the news, is what helps us to forecast the markets before they move.

In this special 21-minute video report, EWI Senior Currency Strategist Jim Martens looks past the obvious -- the "fiscal cliff," the Fed, etc. -- to give you a U. S. dollar forecast for 2018 that would astonish the mainstream experts. Jim then walks you through 5 precise Elliott wave "roadmaps" for 5 key FX market opportunities in the year ahead.

BONUS: You also get Jim's new 5-minute video update featuring 2 major currency pairs.

All you need to access this video report is a FREE Club EWI profile.

Club EWI is the world's largest Elliott wave community with more than 325,000 members. Membership is 100% free and includes free reports, tutorials, videos, special events, promotional offers and access to the valuable EWI Q&A Message Board.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Don't Expect the News to Tell You Where EUR/USD Is Going Next . EWI is the world's largest market forecasting firm. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.


2 pensamentos sobre & ldquo; Don't Expect the News to Tell You Where EUR/USD Is Going Next ”

who would guess that the dollar could get stronger, or interest rates to rise? I am puzzled by the interest rate scenario with both low and/or rising rates supposed to be good for the stock market. Parece bom demais para ser verdade.

Blog Forex de Alan & # 039;

(Video) Top 3 Technical Tools Part 2: Relative Strength Index (RSI)

(Video) Top 3 Technical Tools Part 2: Relative Strength Index (RSI)

EWI senior analyst Jeffrey Kennedy shows you how to identify quality trade setups with supporting technical indicators.

Por Elliott Wave International.

“There are many different forms of technical analysis. A completed Elliott wave pattern supported by additional evidence allows for more confident forecasts and higher probability trades.”

Trader and technical analyst Jeffrey Kennedy has more than 25 years of experience using with the Elliott Wave Principle. To support his Elliott wave analysis, Jeffrey says that his 3 favorite technical tools are Relative Strength Index (RSI), MACD, and Japanese candlesticks.

This 3-part series includes Jeffrey’s practical lessons and proven techniques to support his wave counts (read Part 1 here >>). Today’s video clip shows you how RSI and range rules can help identify trading opportunities: Part 3 will cover MACD.

Jeffrey’s second lesson, excerpted from his Elliott Wave Junctures educational service, gives an overview of RSI followed by a video example.

Buying pullbacks in uptrends and selling bounces in downtrends are great ways to trade trending markets.

Developed by J. Welles Wilder, Jr. and presented in his 1978 book, “New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems,” RSI measures the strength of a trading vehicle by monitoring changes in closing prices and is considered a leading or coincident indicator. Andrew Cardwell popularized RSI as a trading tool by introducing the concept of range rules.

The theory behind range rules is that countertrend price action in trending markets has specific momentum signatures. RSI, for example will find support within roughly the 50-40 region when pullbacks in uptrends occur. Conversely, when bounces develop in downtrends, RSI will meet resistance in the 50-60 area.

Taking the path of least resistance is a benefit of trading in the direction of the trend. Moreover, the use of RSI and application of Andrew Cardwell’s range rules help identify when a trader can rejoin the trend.

Learn the Best Technical Indicators for Successful Trading.

This free report from Elliott Wave International will teach you how to incorporate technical indicators into your analysis to improve your trading decisions.

You’ll learn which technical indicators are best for analyzing chart patterns, which are best for anticipating price action, and which are best for spotting high-confidence trade setups. You’ll also learn how technical indicators can be used to complement Elliott wave and other technical methods.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline (Video) Top 3 Technical Tools Part 2: Relative Strength Index (RSI) . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

Top 3 Technical Tools Part 1: Japanese Candlesticks.

EWI senior analyst Jeffrey Kennedy shows you how to identify quality trade setups with supporting technical indicators.

Por Elliott Wave International.

“I always will be an Elliottician, but other technical tools have merit and are indeed worthwhile: they allow me to build a case, build a more confident reason for making a forecast and for taking a trade; making a trading decision.”

I recently asked Elliott Wave International analyst Jeffrey Kennedy to name his 3 favorite technical tools (besides the Wave Principle). He told me that Japanese candlesticks, RSI, and MACD Indicators are currently his top methods to support trade setups.

In this 3-part series, we will share examples of how to use these 3 tools to “build a case” in the markets you trade. These practical lessons allow you to preview how Jeffrey applies techniques with proven reliability to support his analysis.

We begin this first lesson with a basic candlestick-style price chart.

You may be familiar with an Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) chart: comprised of vertical lines with small horizontal lines on each side. The top of each vertical line is the high and the bottom is the low. The small horizontal lines on either side represent the open and close for that period.

Here’s an example of a Japanese Candlestick chart:

Japanese candlestick charts employ the same data that OHLC price charts do except that the data is expressed differently. The real body is the range between the open and close, and appears as a small block. Shadows are the lines that extend upward and downward from this block, and represent the highs and lows.

Next, take a look at the chart below.

Two bearish candlestick reversal patterns that Jeffrey finds highly reliable are the Evening Star and the Bearish Engulfing Patterns. This weekly continuation chart for the Canadian Dollar combines a 20-period moving average to show that the trend is down — allowing you to focus on bearish reversal candlestick patterns to spot trading opportunities.

Jeffrey notes that “combining these reversal patterns with moving averages makes them even more dynamic because they focus your attention in the direction of the larger trend.”

Japanese Candlesticks begin our spotlight on Kennedy’s top 3 ancillary tools for trading with the Wave Principle. We’ll share parts two and three via how Kennedy uses RSI and MACD indicators to support his Elliott wave interpretation in coming weeks.

You will gain access to an archive of lessons that includes a wealth of information: in-depth guidance and insight on the Elliott Wave Principle and other technical approaches. You’ll learn some of the best technical indicators for analyzing chart patterns, anticipating price action, and spotting high-confidence trade setups.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Top 3 Technical Tools Part 1: Japanese Candlesticks . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

Learn to Label Elliott Waves More Accurately.

EWI Senior Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy shows you how to use momentum patterns to confirm your count.

Por Elliott Wave International.

Are you looking for an easy way to improve your confidence as you analyze the charts you trade? Take a quick look at this chart (adapted from Jeffrey Kennedy’s December 26 Elliott Wave Junctures lesson) to see how divergence relationships help clarify your analysis.

According to Jeffrey, divergence relationships are easy to identify. Whenever prices make a new extreme, look for underlying indicators to move in the opposite direction. Specifically,

The momentum relationship most often seen in waves 3 and 5 is divergence. Bullish divergence forms when prices make a new low while an accompanying indicator does not. Conversely, bearish divergence occurs when prices register a new high while an accompanying indicator does not. Bullish and bearish divergences are common to waves A and C, just as they are waves 3 and 5.

Notice the bearish divergence between waves 3 and 5 in the daily price chart of Halliburton Company (HAL) — Prices reach a new high, yet the MACD indicator moves in the opposite direction:

Jeffrey notes that if you label an advance as a 5th wave move, and yet you do not see momentum divergence, that tends to argue for an extended 5th wave.

Next, at waves A and C, you can see an example of bullish divergence. Wave A bottomed at $32.90 in HAL and wave C ended much lower at $29.83. The histogram readings that correspond to waves A and C are -36.26 and -26.60, respectively.

Here’s another example of divergence between waves A and C in Akamai Technologies (AKAM).

Notice that wave C is lower in price than wave A. However, if you look at the MACD histogram, you’ll see that it registered a higher reading in wave C than it did in wave A, thus giving us a bullish divergence.

Understanding that Elliott waves demonstrate unique momentum relationships as well as price structure allows you to label waves more accurately and with greater confidence.

This is merely one chart example of how you can use technical indicators to strengthen your analysis. You can also learn about Moving Averages, one of Jeffrey Kennedy’s favorite indicators, in a Free 10-page eBook from Elliott Wave International.

Moving averages are one of the most widely-used methods of technical analysis because they are simple to use, and they work. Now you can learn how to apply them to your trading and investing in this free 10-page eBook. Learn step-by-step how moving averages can help you find high-confidence trading opportunities.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Learn to Label Elliott Waves More Accurately . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

Don’t Expect the News to Tell You Where EUR/USD Is Going Next.

Retrospective explanations of market moves don’t keep you ahead of the trend.

Por Elliott Wave International.

On December 27, EUR/USD shot up as high as $1.3283. Forex news headlines were quick to comment:

“Dec 27 – The euro slightly extended gains against the dollar after strong U. S. new home sales data last month further lifted the market’s appetite for riskier currencies.”

But after EUR/USD hit that high, it promptly reversed and fell back down to the $1.3200 level, where it had been stuck all week.

You may ask: What happened to that “appetite for riskier currencies”?

Good question, and here’s the answer: That explanation came after the EUR/USD rally, not before.

See, it’s easy to fit the news to market action after the fact: Just grab the news story that best “explains” the move. But retrospective explanations don’t keep you ahead of the trend. To win in forex, you need forward-looking analysis , and you need it before the market moves.

On December 26, the editor EWI’s forex-focused Currency Specialty Service , Jim Martens, posted this comment on his Twitter feed:

Now that we got the EUR rise we expected, the double zigzag rise from 1.3158 to 1.3256 leaves EUR/USD vulnerable to a decline.

Then, on the morning of December 27, Jim updated his Currency Specialty Service subscribers via this intraday forecast (excerpt):

Posted On: Dec 27 2018 10:01AM ET / Dec 27 2018 3:01PM GMT.

The overlapping rise and possible double top near 1.3309 could lead to a larger correction. A flat or triangle would lead to weakness…

And here’s the decline EUR/USD saw shortly after:

Note that neither of these two forecasts mentioned the news. And for good reason: The December 27 euro-bullish news would have had you buying EUR/USD all the way into the top.

Instead of the news, we at EWI look at objective Elliott wave chart patterns. That, and not the news, is what helps us to forecast the markets before they move.

In this special 21-minute video report, EWI Senior Currency Strategist Jim Martens looks past the obvious — the “fiscal cliff,” the Fed, etc. — to give you a U. S. dollar forecast for 2018 that would astonish the mainstream experts. Jim then walks you through 5 precise Elliott wave “roadmaps” for 5 key FX market opportunities in the year ahead.

BONUS: You also get Jim’s new 5-minute video update featuring 2 major currency pairs.

All you need to access this video report is a FREE Club EWI profile.

Club EWI is the world’s largest Elliott wave community with more than 325,000 members. Membership is 100% free and includes free reports, tutorials, videos, special events, promotional offers and access to the valuable EWI Q&A Message Board.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Don’t Expect the News to Tell You Where EUR/USD Is Going Next . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

Fibonacci in Nature: The Golden Ratio and the Golden Spiral.

The more you learn about Fibonacci, the more amazed you will be at its importance.

Por Elliott Wave International.

If you’ve studied the financial markets, even for a short time, you’ve probably heard the term “Fibonacci numbers.” The ratios and relationships derived from this mathematical sequence are applied to the markets to help determine targets and retracement levels.

Did you know that Fibonacci numbers are found in nature as well? In fact, we can see examples of the Fibonacci sequence all around us, from the ebb and flow of ocean tides to the shape of a seashell. Even our human bodies are examples of Fibonacci. Read more about the fascinating phenomenon of Fibonacci in nature.

Let’s start with a refresher on Fibonacci numbers. If we start at 0 and then go to the next whole integer number, which is 1, and add 0 to 1, that gives us the second 1. If we then take that number 1 and add it again to the previous number, which is of course 1, we have 1 plus 1 equals 2. If we add 2 to its previous number of 1, then 1 plus 2 gives us 3, and so on. 2 plus 3 gives us 5, and we can do this all the way to infinity. This series of numbers, and the way we arrive at these numbers, is called the Fibonacci sequence. We refer to a series of numbers derived this way as Fibonacci numbers.

We can go back to the beginning and divide one number by its adjacent number – so 1 1 is 1.0, 1 2 is .5, 2 3 is .667, and so on. If we keep doing that all the way to infinity, that ratio approaches the number .618. This is called the Golden Ratio, represented by the Greek letter phi (pronounced “fie”). It is an irrational number, which means that it cannot be represented by a fraction of whole integers. The inverse of .618 is 1.618. So, in other words, if we carry the series forward and take the inverse of each of these numbers, that ratio also approaches 1.618. The Golden Ratio, .618, is the only number that will also be equal to its inverse when added to 1. So, in other words, 1 plus .618 is 1.618, and the inverse of .618 is also 1.618.

This is a diagram of the Golden Spiral. The Golden Spiral is a type of logarithmic spiral that is made up of a number of Fibonacci relationships, or more specifically, a number of Golden Ratios. For example, if we take a specific arc and divide it by its diameter, that will also give us the Golden Ratio 1.618. We can take, for example, arc WY and divide it by its diameter of WY. That produces the multiple 1.618. Certain arcs are also related by the ratio of 1.618. If we take the arc XY and divide that by arc WX, we get 1.618. If we take radius 1 (r 1 ), compare it with the next radius of an arc that’s at a 90° angle with r 1 , which is r 2 , and divide r 2 by r 1 , we also get 1.618.

Now here are some pictures of this Golden Spiral in various aspects of nature. For example, on the left is a whirlpool that displays the Golden Spiral and, therefore, these Fibonacci mathematical properties. We also see the Golden Spiral in the formation of hurricanes (center) and in the chambered nautilus shell (right), which also happens to be a common background that Elliott Wave International uses for a number of its presentations and graphics.

We can also see the Golden Ratio in the DNA molecule. Research has shown that if you look at the height of the DNA molecule relative to its length, it is in the proportion of .618:1. If we look at the components of the DNA molecule, there is a major groove in the left section and a minor groove in the right section. The major groove is equal to .618 of the entire length of the DNA molecule, and the minor groove is equal to .382 of the entire length.

This graphic of the human body also shows how the Golden Ratio exists in certain relationships of the human anatomy.

If you’d like to learn more about Fibonacci and how to apply it to your trading strategy, download the entire 14-page free eBook, How You Can Use Fibonacci to Improve Your Trading .

O Instrutor de Tutor Senior da EWI Wayne Gorman explica:

A espiral dourada, a relação dourada e a seção dourada Como usar Razões Fibonacci / Múltiplos na previsão Como identificar metas de mercado e pontos decisivos nos mercados que você troca E mais!

(VIDEO) GBP/USD: How Elliott Wave Patterns Predicted Recent Drop Under 1.60.

A great 6-minute video lesson in Elliott wave analysis of forex markets.

Por Elliott Wave International.

Every Friday, the editor of EWI’s forex-focused Currency Specialty Service , Jim Martens, records a video update for his subscribers. Each video delivers a real-life lesson on Elliott wave application to forex markets.

Watch this 6-minute video Jim recorded on October 12. Jim called for cable (GBP/USD) to drop below 1.60 in wave 5 of the developing Elliott wave sequence.

Ten days later, on October 23, GBP/USD fell as low as 1.5925.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

Which Elliott waves to trade Which Elliott waves set up your forex trade When your analysis is wrong Guidelines for projecting price targets How to evaluate an Elliott wave structure How to use the bigger picture to give you perspective on the market’s next major move.

Jim also takes you through two real-world trading examples to reinforce what you’ve learned and apply it to your own trading.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline (VIDEO) GBP/USD: How Elliott Wave Patterns Predicted Recent Drop Under 1.60 . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

USD/JPY: Lemons into Lemonade.

How Elliott wave analysis helps you as a forex trader with built-in, risk-defining safeguards.

29 de novembro de 2018.

Por Elliott Wave International.

Elliott wave analysis is not a crystal ball. (No market-forecasting method is.)

But here’s what is remarkable: Even when your Elliott wave forecast doesn’t pan out, you have built-in safeguards to alert you — and help you manage risk. Here’s a real-life example.

Going into the November 14 low, USD/JPY charts had been showing an impulsive downward Elliott wave pattern. Impulses are 5-wave moves, but on November 13-14, the pattern looked incomplete: the fifth wave down seemed to be missing.

Here’s a chart our Currency Specialty Service subscribers saw early on November 13:

So, our analysis on November 13 suggested that USD/JPY would fall further. But USD/JPY just would not fall; instead, it went sideways.

That suggested to our Currency Specialty Service team that the wave (4) you see in the chart above was extending. Perhaps it was developing as another Elliott wave pattern — maybe a contracting triangle? This chart and analysis described to subscribers that scenario:

“A bearish fourth-wave triangle is another idea that’s in a position to yield new lows in wave (5). Resistance rests at 79.655/765.”

Note that line: “Resistance rests at 79.655/765” & # 8212; it represents the very risk-defining safeguards I mentioned earlier.

Como? Well, there are things that Elliott wave patterns just are not allowed to do. In a contracting triangle (an A-B-C-D-E formation), prices must stay within converging trendlines — and they cannot overlap the start of wave A, the origin of the pattern. Resistance at 79.655/765 was exactly that: the price point where the contracting triangle interpretation would be invalidated.

Practical application: If you were bearish on USD/JPY on November 14, you could have used the price area of 79.655/765 to manage your position risk.

As you probably know, USD/JPY did not go sideways for long. Nor did it go down. Soon after, it went higher and breached that key resistance level:

When one Elliott wave pattern ends, another one begins. As soon as that key resistance in USD/JPY was breached, a new road map for the Japanese yen became clear.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

Which Elliott waves to trade Which Elliott waves set up your forex trade When your analysis is wrong Guidelines for projecting price targets How to evaluate an Elliott wave structure How to use the bigger picture to give you perspective on the market’s next major move.

Jim also takes you through two real-world trading examples to reinforce what you’ve learned and apply it to your own trading.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline USD/JPY: Lemons into Lemonade . A EWI é a maior empresa de previsão de mercado do mundo. Sua equipe de analistas de tempo integral liderada pelo Técnico de Mercado Chartered Robert Prechter fornece análise de mercado 24 horas por dia para investidores institucionais e privados ao redor do mundo.

EWI’s FOREX FreeWeek is now on: Get charts, analysis and forecasts for the dollar, euro, yen and more.

Our friends at Elliott Wave International have just announced the start of their popular FreeWeek!

That’s where they throw open the doors for you to test-drive some of their most popular premium services — at ZERO cost to you.

You can access all the charts, analysis, videos and forecasts from EWI’s trader-focused Currency Specialty Service right now through noon Eastern time Wednesday, Oct. 24. This service is valued at $494/month, but you can get it free for one week only!

It is an exciting time of year for forex traders who are in the know :

There’s the upcoming Obama/Romney U. S. Presidential election The “fiscal cliff” the U. S. might be standing on And the ongoing European debt crisis.

Wouldn’t you want to know where the currency markets are headed in the days and weeks ahead?

Don’t wait on “the fundamentals.” Elliott wave patterns are telling you — agora mesmo! & # 8212; where the major forex markets should go soon. Find out now during EWI’s Forex FreeWeek!

About the Publisher, Elliott Wave International.

Founded in 1979 by Robert R. Prechter Jr., Elliott Wave International (EWI) is the world’s largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors around the world.

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